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We Want Green Too! (WWGT!) and Souldardarity (SOUL) undertook regulatory work that led to the awarding of $8M in settlement funds from DTE Energy in Michigan and for years, have been working in partnership with the Michigan Environmental Justice Coalition on the Work for Me DTE! Campaign to ensure that resources for energy efficiency, weatherization, electrification, and solar reach limited-wealth communities and communities of color. Hope Village Revitalization was selected as an Equity-Centered Innovation Pathway winner in the U.S. Department of Energy Buildings UP Prize. Working with four other community organizations in Detroit, over the next five years, Hope Village Revitalization will upgrade 10 to 100 buildings, including single-family, multifamily, and commercial buildings in Detroit and Highland Park, Michigan, with solar and energy efficiency improvements on a neighborhood scale. 

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Polar Bear Sustainable Energy

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